John’s Greatest Hits

John’s Greatest Hits

Articles which have become well-known, widespread or just favorites of mine!

Goodbye, Julie

Editorial in the Sooner Catholic after the Oklahoma City Bombing, also picked up by Catholic New York and numerous other diocesan newspapers nationwide.

Adiós Julie 

Goodbye, Julie in Español

A Hero’s Tears 

In Oklahoma City, I met one of New York's finest. I wonder if he's still alive.

The Wall Street Journal Editorial Page

Monday, October 1, 2001 12:01 a.m.

Positively Beastly

The Washington Times,  February 11, 2001

The Dating Dearth: A Man's Perspective 

This went around the world several times causing riots in North America

The 1998 Inside the Vatican 

Special Supplement on Humanae Vitae

On Modesty in Dress

How Bishops Discourage Vocations 

(and the Key to Attracting Them) 

This had numerous reprint requests from around the world

The Land of Giants 

The National Review Online, October 16, 2002

The Nuptial Nature of the Church

Why Catholics don’t ordain women

Pro-Choice Anti-Family

The Washington Times, October 18, 2000

Embryos are Human 

Published in the Washington Times under the title 

“An Issue with society-defining ramifcations ...”

Healing does come: 

Oklahoma City's anguished path to recovery

The Washington Times, February 22, 2001

Bias and Judicial Nominees 

Washington Times, August 12, 2003

Making Victims of Catholics? 

World Net Daily, January 13, 2001

A ‘Little’ Death


Fire in the East

Grief: The Journey Takes Time

